Why work with a private post-secondary consultant?

There are many reasons a family may utilize my services but two of the most common reasons are a lack of a connection with the student's high school counselor and a desire for more one on one time than the school counselor can provide.

The education system in Connecticut is set up in a model that hopes most students on a school counselor's case load will not need to see their school counselor regularly each year.  Do the math yourself.  Ask the school counseling office at your high school for the average number of students on each school counselor's caseload.  If a school counselor has 250 students on a caseload and the school day is 7 hours, the school counselor has 14 half hour meeting opportunities in one day.  In this example, this school counselor could provide each of the 250 students on the caseload with one 30 minute session every 18 school days.  This example assumes that the school counselor does nothing else in a school day except meet with students in 30 minute intervals for 7 hours straight.  No lunch duty, no schedule changes, no answering emails, no social/emotional student emergencies, no phone calls with parents...etc.

I believe that everyone, every day, does the best they know how to do.  School counselors are doing the best they know how to do in the current education system.  If you want more individualized post-secondary attention for your high school student than your child's school counselor can provide, I look forward to connecting with you!